How to access E-Resources Single point/Stand alone access - where the e-resource is available at dedicated terminals in one of the Institute Libraries; Local networked access - where the e-resource may be accessed from networked terminals throughout the Institute, including those in the Libraries and Open Access Computing Centers; IP address based Access Where the e-resources may be accessed on Intranet on any connected terminals throughout the Institute , Control Access Username and password Access to some e-resources is controlled by username and password.
National Digital Library(NDL)
ABOUT NDL Ministry of Human Resource Development under its National Mission on education through Information and Communication Technology has initiated the National Digital Library (NDL). It is a virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility. NDL consists of following Databases
- Digital Library of India
- Krishikosh
- LibriVox
NDL consists of following Learning Resources
- Books – More than 7 Lakh books
- Article More than 3 Lakh articles
- Thesis – 95000+ thesis
- Manuscript - Manuscript from Satyajit Ray, Vidyaprasark Mandal and Others
- Audio Lecture – More than 262 audio lectures.
- Video Lecture- 18000+ video lectures
Inflibnet https://www.inflibnet.ac.in/projects/
Vidya-Mitra http://content.inflibnet.ac.in/
E-Pathshala http://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/ahl.php?csrno=305
Inflibnet’s Institutional Repository http://ir.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/1944/1333
Vidwan https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/
Search Engines
A search engine provides a means of searching web sites by keywords or also by Boolean AND/OR logic.
There are a large number of search engines available on INTERNET.
AltaVista (www.altavista.digital.com)
HotBot (www.hotbot.com)
Lycos (www.lycos.com)
Excite (www.excite.com)
Infoseek (www.infoseek.com)
Google ( www.Google.com)
very popular Yahoo, Rediff and so on
Acquisition :
1. Amazon Publishers http://www.amazon.com
2. AcqWeb http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/law/acqs/acqs.html
3. Book Search Engine http://www.booksearchengine.com
Leading Reference Library Resources
1. Encyclopedia Britannica Online
2. Roget’s Thesaurus Online
3. Webster Dictionary
4. University of Adelaide Library:Dictionaries,
Encyclopedias and Almanacs
5.Newspapers Directory
Internet Sites for Library Professionals (Ghosh, 2000)
Cybracy: The Internet Library (www.nstn.ca/second.html)
Information and Library Network Home Page (INFLIBNET) (www.inflibnet.ernet.in/)
Information Today Home Page (www.infotoday.com/default.htm)
Internet Library for Librarians (www.itcompany.com/inforetriever )
Major Indian Library Sites:
- [SciGate The IISc Science information portal ]
Free Text books https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks Make a difference in your students' lives with free, openly-licensed textbooks Open textbooks are textbooks that have been funded, published, and licensed to be freely used, adapted, and distributed. These books have been reviewed by faculty from a variety of colleges and universities to assess their quality. These books can be downloaded for no cost, or printed at low cost
eGyanKos of (IGNOU)This is an initiative to provide open access to outstanding video lectures recorded at the IGNOU studio for GyanDarshan educational channels.
This YouTube channel maintains an IGNOU Broadcast Archive, where many interesting video lectures are preserved in streamed video format
: Free medical textbooks.
FreeBookSpot is an online source of free ebooks download with 4485 FREE E-BOOKS in 96 categories which up to 71,97 GB.
Free-eBooks is an online source for free ebook downloads, ebook resources and ebook authors. Besides free ebooks,
you also download free magazines or submit your own ebook. Cont
Some links of journals for education and research Directory of Open Access Journals
(DOAJ) www.doaj.org [14,892 Journals, 11,937 searchable at Article level,133 Countries 5,065,417 Articles]
Bentham www.benthamopen.com [disciplines of science, medicine, technology and social sciences}
Virtual library of Ghosh www.ghoshvlib.tripod.com
Open Access Journals Search Engine www.oajse.com (OAJSE) [Presently under construction] Hindawi Publishing Corporation
https://www.hindawi.com/ Nature Research https://www.nature.com/
Competitive exams
- स्पर्धापरीक्षध पुस्तकेpdf मध्ये.. https://goo.gl/nrJSGF
- लोकरधज्य मधसिकेpdf मध्ये.. https://goo.gl/GtWZoc
- MPSC नोट्ि pdf मध्ये.. https://goo.gl/GQZA2d
- योजनध मधसिकेpdf मध्ये.. https://goo.gl/ivTG51
- MPSC ऑसियो नोट्ि (MP3).. https://goo.gl/YP91bS
Current Affairs
- https://goo.gl/qdaEjZ
- MPSC अभ्यासक्रम pdf मध्ये.. https://goo.gl/fpxsST
- YCMOU नासिक यांची स्पर्धापरीक्षेच्या दृष्टीने उपयुक्त पुस्तकेpdf मध्ये.. https://goo.gl/QMddfX
स्पर्धापरीक्षेच्य दृष्टीने NIOS दिल्ली ची उपयुक्त पुस्तकेpdf मध्ये.. https://goo.gl/PRjH5H
- 888 सामान्य न्यान वाचा https://goo.gl/siyP1W
- NCERT दिल्ली ची स्पर्धापरीक्षेच्यध दृष्टीनेउपयुक्त पुस्तकेpdf मध्ये... https://goo.gl/Z2gDV8
- स्पर्धापरीक्षध िंिर्ापुस्तकेयधिी https://goo.gl/cSWzRg
- सवसवर् अहवधल pdf मध्ये... https://goo.gl/R4ezzZ
- MPSC िधठी उपयुक्त Android app ची मधसहती... https://goo.gl/9FHdD4
- स्पर्धापरीक्षधंचध अभ्यधि करणधऱ्यध िधठी उपयुक्त Telegram Channel ची मधसहती.. https://goo.gl/EWVtvG
- MPSC िधठी उपयुक्त Websites ची मधसहती.. https://goo.gl/bFshkN6
Best IAS Websites for UPSC Civil Services Exam Online Preparation www
- 1 *insightsonindia.com*
- 2. *clearias.com*
- 3. *Mrunal.org*
- 4. *gktoday.in*
- 5. *currentaffairsonly.com
- 6. *cleariasexam.com*
- 7. *IASexamportal.com*
- 8. *visionias.wordpress.com*
- 9. *swapsushias.blogspot.in*
- 10. *iaspassion.com*
- 11. *iasscore.in*
- 12. *iaskracker.com*
- 13. *jagranjosh.com*
- 14. *UPSCguide.com*
- 15. *CivilServiceIndia.com*
- 17. *jeywin.com*
- 18. *civilsdaily.com*
- 19. *onlinegk.com*
- 20. *iasaspirants.com*
- 21. *iaspaper.in*
- 22. *iasexams.com*
- 23. *tcyonline.com*
- 24. *testfunda.com*
- 25. *byjusclasses.com*
IAS Forum Websites
- 1. *iasforums.com*
- 2. *upscforums.com*
- 3. *forumias.com*
- 4. *indianofficer.com*
- 5. *interviewprep4ias.com*
- 6. *upscdiscussions.com*
IAS Toppers Blogs
- 1. *thesupermanreturns.wordpress.com*
- 2. *rijubafna.com*
- 4. *lohitmatani.wordpress.com*
- 5. *iasdream.com*
- 6. *jhinujha.wordpress.com*
- 7. * youtube.com/user/unacademy*
Useful Government Websites
Useful Government Websites For Civil Service Preparation
- 1. *ncert.nic.in* – Download NCERT Texts as PDF.
- 2. *nios.ac.in* – Download NIOS Online Materials.
- 3. *egyankosh.ac.in* – Download IGNOU Books.
- 4. *yojana.gov.in* – Download Yojana and Kurukshetra Magazines.
- 5. *upsc.gov.in* – Official Website of UPSC.
- 6. *pib.nic.in* – Press Information Bureau Website, for government updates.
- 7. *prsindia.org* – PRS Website for tracking bills in Parliament.
- 8. *idsa.in* – IDSA website for Defense and Foreign relations.
- 9. *gatewayhouse.in* – Indian Council for Global relations.
- 10. *envfor.nic.in* – Ministry of Environment and Forests.
- 11. *mea.gov.in* – Ministry of External Affairs Cont..
- 12 *indiabudget.nic.in* – Download Budget and Economic Survey.
- 13. *ptinews.com* – Press Trust of India.
- 14. *pdgroup.upkar.in* – Pratiyogita Darpan Magazine.
- 15. *ibef.org* – India Brand Equity Foundation for economy and business.
- 16. *vikaspedia.in* – Knowledge initiative by InDG.
- 17. *makeinindia.com* – Make in India initiative for manufacturing related info.