Student Mentorship Programme
Balak-Palak: Parent Teacher Concept
Personal guidance on both academic and non-academic matters is made available to students through mentoring at multiple levels. Besides course teachers, each class has a class teacher, whom students can approach for academic and personal help. Since the academic year 2012-13, the college has adopted a mentoring system in which every faculty member mentors a group of students. Each faculty is assigned a group of 20 to 25 students every year for mentorship. Faculty act as institutional guardians for students.
A major responsibility of each faculty is to nurture Social Work code of ethics among students. Ideas are exchanged during weekly informal group meetings by faculty members with respective students. Mock viva, mock seminar presentation, and sharing of field experience and research concepts are done. This helps group members bond emotionally and intellectually with each other and thus do well in fieldwork and academics. Mentors pay special attention to students with behavioral and emotional problems and help them.
Each student is required to meet his/her mentor regularly. These are out-of-class personal meetings on campus where a mentor gets to know each student personally and keeps track of the student’s academic performance, attendance record, fulfillment of course requirements and so on, giving guidance where necessary and in matters pertaining to academics. The mentors also refer students who need financial help to the Staff and Student Council.
Library Committee
Students Council